Lottery Winner Caught On Tape Celebrating A $250,000 Victory
The South Carolina woman at first couldn’t believe it, then she went on a jumping, flying, and hugging jag to celebrate
1 min

Anyone who has ever played the lottery — of any stripe — must have had the same thought at one time or another: “How would I react if I won?”
Of course, you win $10 or so, the reaction is understandably muted. Get into three figures, there’s bound to be a fist pump. Four figures, definitely a little hoot and holler.
But how about a quarter-million dollars? What would your reaction be if you won $250,000?
Well, if a Tega Cay, South Carolina woman is a template for this exercise in joyful behavior, this is exactly what you would do: You’d experience a moment of shock and awe where you can’t believe what just happened, how Lady Luck has bestowed upon you this gift.
Then you’d pump your arms up and down, not unlike a bird seeking flight, albeit unsuccessfully.
From there, you’d start jumping up and down, repeating the process numerous times. From there, you’d do a little dance, then hug with all your might the first person that appears in your line of sight.
Then you’d take a breath, cover your eyes, and drop to your knees, seemingly thanking the heavens above.
Winner winner!
The above is exactly what happened to this particular Tega Cay woman, as reported by WYFF Channel 4 News out of Greenville, South Carolina. The full video can be seen in this post on X:
The unnamed woman was caught on the gas station’s surveillance footage scratching off the winning $250K lotto ticket, and her celebration was recorded in its entirety for posterity.
Even better: The owner of the gas station told WYFF that he was thrilled for her, as she’s a regular at the ticket counter.
“I’m glad it was her,” he said, according to the report. “I see her every day and I’m glad to see her finally win something big.”
WCCB, a CW affiliate out of Charlotte, also spoke to the owner.
“It’s a good sign for the store as more people would come in for the lottery,” he said. “I’ve sold a couple other big winners at [my] other locations, and I’ve seen an increase of lottery sales.”
And, not for nothing, his store gets a cool $2,500 for selling the ticket.